Broth Lady Questions

Frequently asked questions…

1. How long does my broth last if I buy it unfrozen?

There is a use by date on the label, you should either consume by this date or freeze to extend shelf life.

2.  Should I bring it to the boil each time I consume it?

When warming your broth, you should let it roll boil just once then turn it off and let it cool for 5 mins before drinking.

 3. How do I defrost a jar of frozen broth quickly, say for dinner the night I bought it?

Just add the frozen jar (lid up) into lukewarm water and as it defrosts you can make the water warmer, then using a blunt knife gently break up the still frozen bits of broth and empty into a saucepan. We suggest adding half a cup of water to your bottle and giving it a shake so any bits of broth and fat are not wasted - pour water into broth pan and warm as per instructions.


4. Can I put the hot broth back into the cold jar after warming it up? 

NO! Hot into cold and Cold (frozen) into very hot will cause an explosion and shatter the glass NEVER DO THIS!


5. If I buy a frozen broth and defrost it, how long do I have to use it? 

We say 5 days kept refrigerated and warmed per our instructions, but you will be safe with 7 days.


6. Say I find a bottle of Love and Bones Broth at the back of my freezer that I forgot about and its 3 months out of date - is it still safe to drink? 

YES! Really broth will last forever frozen but we give each frozen jar a year. If you buy it unfrozen you have 6 weeks in the fridge before it is open - once open the same rule applies...5-7 days to consume.


7. Why do we mix Beef and Chicken bones at Love and Bones Broth?

Traditionally (back in the good old days many moons ago), they didn’t have just one kind of bone, bone broth is peasant food - scraps from this and that boiled together to make a flavoursome broth. So following tradition and my heritage, we mix bones and the outcome is like no other bone broth on the market.


8. Are all our ingredients Organic?

Well, technically yes! We use only in season organic veg, unrefined salt, organic pepper, filtered water and organic (certified) ethically reared animal bones. These animals spend their life outside foraging and eating grass as nature intended. We are simply making sure these bones do not go into landfill by finding a way to make use of them.


9. Why are our Bone Broth’s stored in glass?

We are making a product that is supposed to help your health not hinder it - right? It doesn’t make sense to me to package our beautiful nourishing Bone Broth’s into something that is guaranteed to leach chemicals into our systems, even BPA is not safe. Yes it’s a little more expensive on our end but we feel we are helping our planet and our customers by choosing glass and we hope and encourage our customers to either reuse our jars or recycle them to make their footprint a little lighter. I wouldn’t drink anything out of a plastic container or bottle, so why should you!


10. How do I drink my Love and Bones Broth?

Simply warm it and drink it - it's delicious as is - drink it on rising first thing in the morning, instead of coffee or before a coffee. Or you can cook with it, add it to stews or slow cooks, absorption method with rice or quinoa, make soups with it, use it as fast food for kids dinners by cooking noodles or rice and serving with the Broth (Chicken Noodle Soup) any which way you get it into your families is good. For more recipe ideas have a look at any of my platforms for inspiration. @the_Broth_lady my blog, I really am trying to make it easy for you all to just get it into your families' bellies on a daily basis.


11. What sets our Bone Broth's apart from the others available on the market?

We never compromise on our ingredients! We never water our broths down or add powdered gelatine to them to make them more wobbly, we are definitely not made from concentrates like some broth’s our there and The Broth Lady tastes every single batch that is made and goes out the kitchen door.

We benefit your health by selling only in glass and what’s more it tastes BLOODY AMAZING!!!

Why drink something that doesn't taste good when you can drink something that tastes delicious! For something to benefit your health it has to be enjoyable.


12. Why not just buy the Bone Broth in the supermarket that costs half the price of ours?

Firstly they aren’t cheaper than ours as I’m slowly realising. If you’re buying one that's only 500mls (from the supermarket) it’s actually more expensive if you were to buy our 1L jars. You’ll find the ones on the shelves of supermarkets are mass produced, packaged in plastic pouches which are not only bad for you (remember you're drinking a health product for its beneficial properties), but also bad for our environment! They have been heat treated if they are shelf stable (so no goodness whatsoever - A TOTAL WASTE OF YOUR MONEY), these big companies don’t care where their ingredients are sourced from they are big corporations trying to cash in on the Bone Broth trend, their ingredients are not sourced from healthy animals nor do they use organic vegetables (if any vegetables at all), there will be residue from pesticides and chemicals that leech into the broth along with the plastic that they live in before you buy them.

When you drink Love and Bones Broth your drinking pure goodness, uncompromised just the way The Broth Lady expects all her food to be!


13. If I heat up all the Broth in the jar, do I have to consume it all, or can I put what I don't drink back into the jar and either in the fridge or freezer for next time I need or want it?

If it's unfrozen you can freeze what you don't use for next time. If it's frozen you can store what you don't consume in the fridge for up to 5 days but we suggest not refreezing it, saying that if you cook with it - say make a bolognese, then its fine to refreeze it.


Just make sure that when putting it back into the jar, that the jar is the same temp as the soup.