The Broth Lady Blog

  • Brothy Paprika Chicken

    Each week I feel the pressure to bring you all something delicious, but also something you can bulk cook and store in portions in the freezer. T...
  • Sort of Mexican, but not

    This was a fluke, as are most things I cook. Basic delicious food is always what I look for when making a meal. As you're probably learning...
  • Baked Potatoes The Broth Lady's Way

    This is my go to comfort eat...anytime of the year. Sweet, soft, melting potatoes cooked in broth and cream with a perfectly caramelised top. This ...
  • Melt in the mouth Italian meatballs in brothy red sauce

    Meatballs in red sauce and oldie but a goodie....a bit like me! I am a wanted women when I make these, I hear cries from my bestie in Melbourne th...
  • Leftover Brothy Egg fried rice

    My Son, like his sister has a sinister love for Chinese egg fried rice...
  • The Broth Lady version of Ding Tai Fung noodles

    My frank has a thing for those big bowls of MSG laden noodles...
  • Easter Pork or anytime Pork...

    We do Christmas and Easter and we do it well!
  • Hungarian Cabbage 2 Ways

    These days we call this ‘Peasant food’ and in my opinion it’s the best food.